Creating Change in the Lives of Children, Teens, and Adults


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JULY 2024 NEWSLETTER: Thought Defusion: Changing Your Relationship with Problematic Thoughts

Thought defusion is a concept in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), which aims to help people accept their negative thoughts, emotions, and experiences while helping them move towards their unique values and goals. Learn how to manage negative emotions by improving your relationship with unhealthy thought patterns via thought defusion.

March 2023 Newsletter: Love Languages

Love Defined             Love. Close your eyes for a moment. What do you picture when you think of this ever-present phenomenon? Do you picture red hearts and chocolates? A hug between a mother and her child? Do you picture your dog, time spent with your friends, time spent in nature? Do you picture your relationship with yourself? Every person who is reading this will probably picture and feel something slightly different. It is nearly impossible to form one singular definition of love, as its meaning is as unique as the person attempting to define it. What love means to you, reader, …