- Are you a teenager who often feels anxious or depressed?
- Do you have low self-esteem and struggle to see anything positive in yourself?
- Are you the victim of bullying at school?
- Do you find it difficult to focus or pay attention in school?
- Is it hard fitting in with your friends or peers at school?
- Have you been feeling alone and misunderstood by your parents?
- Are there arguments or tension between you and your parents?
- Has your teen experienced something traumatic and needs help coping with it?
- Is your adolescent son or daughter engaging in a lot of risky behaviors?
- Is your teen’s behavioral problems (e.g., aggression, noncompliance, lying, substance use, etc.) getting more difficult to handle?
- Are you feeling helpless when it comes to managing your teen’s emotional or behavioral difficulties?
- Do you want to improve your relationship with your teenage child?
We understand that when teenagers are struggling, they often feel isolated and misunderstood by others. Our therapists strive to build a relationship and trust with teens so that they are able to safely express their worries, fears, and needs. Teens need a therapist who is on their side and with whom they feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings. Our teenage clients talk to us about a number of problems they are dealing with, such as depression, anxiety, stressors in school, grades, college preparation, trauma, conflicts with family or friends, relationship difficulties, identity issues, and more. We are fluent in their problems and tend to connect easily with them.
We also recognize the challenge that parents face when they see their teens struggle with emotional or behavioral difficulties. As a parent, you may worry more than your child could ever comprehend. There are so many things to stress about as your teen enters the transition period from childhood to adulthood. You may find it hard to connect with and help your adolescent, causing the rift between you two to widen. We can also help you navigate the complex relationship between you and your son or daughter. You will learn specific strategies to improve your bond and communication with your teen.
We provide therapy for adolescents who are dealing with various emotional or behavioral problems. If your teen’s challenges are worsening or impacting his/her academic performance, relationships with peers or family members, or any other important areas, then it may be time to get help. Our highly skilled therapists have extensive training in working with teens and/or their families. Whether you are seeking individual therapy for your teen, family therapy sessions that include your teen, or parenting services to help you manage your teen’s struggles, we are here to help.
- Anxiety or frequent worries
- Aggression
- Anger
- Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Abuse (sexual, physical, verbal/emotional)
- Behavioral or conduct problems
- Body image issues
- Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)
- Bullying
- Cultural and identity issues
- Depression
- Dealing with parental divorce or separation
- Eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, etc.)
- Fears of various objects, situations, activities, etc.
- Grief & loss
- LGBTQ issues
- Noncompliance with rules
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
- Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Relationship stressors
- School problems
- Self-esteem problems
- Self-harming behaviors
- Social skills problems
- Social anxiety disorder
- Substance use
- Traumatic events
- Transition/adjustment problems
Improvements for teens
- Improve coping skills
- Improve academic performance
- Improve social skills
- Improve communication skills
- Increase compliance with rules
- Increase self-esteem
- Decrease behavioral problems
- Decrease emotional problems
- Decrease overall distress
Improvements for parents/family
- Improve parenting and communication skills
- Gain greater insight into your teen’s problems
- Increase sense of empowerment
- Strength bond between you and your teen
- Reduce family stress and conflicts
- Increase harmony in family
Whatever therapy services you are seeking for your teen, we are here to help. Email or call 646-450-3064 to set up a phone consultation with one of our highly qualified therapists.